Friday, February 8, 2013

Final Post: S.O.F.A.T. Blog Has Moved to Tumblr.

Hello everyone, I have decided to move S.O.F.A.T. Blog over to tumblr for the new year.

There are a few reasons.  First, the look and theme is just a little bit cleaner.  Second, you will be able to search related posts from other blogs via #hashtag.  But the main reason is because I will be able to post pictures of the food I am eating and cooking as it happens from my phone.  That means I won't have to wait until I come home to a laptop to post.  Whoo hoo for technology!

It has been a great three years on Blogger.  I have only begun to learn tiny HTML tricks and how to best edit my photos.  The first few posts on tumblr won't look the best... I'm still learning all the little neat tricks that it can do.  In fact, I'm having a hard time doing simple things like changing the color of the S.O.F.A.T. title.  But... it will only get better!

I'm looking forward to another three years of great food and travel blogging.  Thank you to all my readers, my Six Taste tour groupies, everyone who has found me via Google (Hello Melissa in Germany), via that random "Next Blog" feature, and everyone else (and I mean everyone) who has supported my food and travel adventures (contributing photographers, fellow bloggers, restaurants and their PR folk, etc.).  Cheers to the new year, to whatever it brings, and to all the new food, fun, and friends that will be shared.

The link to tumblr is here:  Until the next post, let's all get S.O.F.A.T.

ML - 20130208

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